SELL IT ALL!....and buy a van!

Things seem to be moving rather rapidly in 2012, business increasing, new customers meaning more work....and it dawned on us that we had a little bit of an issue, the car and 4x4 shows we so badly wanted to get to as a show stand again seemed to just pass us by, the current personal toy a Nissan 200SX sat in the garage never seeing daylight. It just so happened that by being so busy with the work mid week, and needing family time on the weekends, it just never happened to get back to the show season and see the friends we had seen so often in the early days of Bigboolies. So after discussing what was the best way forward, we decided to sell the Nissan which we had modified for the shows anyway, I was struggling with my daily commute (a bmw mini one diesel of course modified) to fit all the T-Shirt boxes in so it seemed to make sense to get rid, so enter the Mercedes Vito project.