Bigboolies charity open day

Sunday 28th October 2012 Our open Day for friends and family to come and see the new place.

On opening day slowly people started to show, Rob Mennell arrived ready to set up and serve the food and drinks, My dad and my step mum and other family members came to add the finishing touches to the tombola and Raffle which they kindly offered to be in charge of, taking the pressure off nick and I. 

This meant that we could mingle amongst the people and enjoy it as much as possible. Motor V8 Media turned up with the fantastic looking 22B from Scooby Clinic and then Danny Precious with his Subaru Race car. Things went really well and just as planned, except for the weather which gave us a typical drizzly on and off forcast but we were so pleased that everyone did not let it spoil the morning.

After the day was done we totted up the figures to round up just short of £830.00 for my chosen charity which overwhelmed the both of us...and we would both like to take this oportunity to thank all those involved, we got such a positive feedback from the morning that we have chosen to do it all again in summer 2013 so watch this space for more up and coming info about this years event.


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